Monday, January 5, 2009

As I wrote in my first posting people would misunderstand and mistake my writings and views. Mrs. Lynn now living in Texas did so and I wrote this to respond to her letter:
It appears you, as many others have done, misunderstand life and how people view it. Understanding how people view life is key in understanding life itself. Understanding something and approving of it is NOT the same thing, and you have jumped to a conclusion as many have. When a police detective understands the next moves of a thief or murderer is that the same as approving of the actions of the criminal? Understanding the underlying emotions and the causes in play here takes insight, wisdom and perception- which a 5 year old does not have. Was I unclear when I said “I do not condone the actions of Mr. Cepeda”? If so here is the definition:
“ to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless "a government accused of condoning racism" "condone corruption in politics"“
I hope that makes it clear- but let me say again: I do not condone the actions of Mr Cepeda as explained in the letter. I understand your reaction also- when a person does not understand something they tend to get upset and jump to conclusions as you did. I don’t believe you really wish pain upon others when you do not like what they say as you did me- and I hope you don’t teach that to your 5 year old. Wishing pain upon others as you did to me- now that takes a cold heart- and I chose to believe you did not grasp my letter- not that you have a cold heart.

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